Graphic design and web design and development are fun. But even more so when it’s for your own portfolio! Or at least I think so. I started coding my own portfolio sites pretty much as soon as I learned HTML and CSS three years ago, re-designed it when I learned PHP and SQL two years ago, and now that I have the skills in WordPress that I really needed to create a more professional site, here it is!



  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • XD
  • Figma


  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Javascript

Current Site and Brand

My logo reflects my design style that I have seen play out the past few years. I tend to use a lot of thick borders and curved corners, so I played that up in this design.

Sketches for my logo. I knew from the start I wanted a modern monogram logo.

Iconography stylized to match my logo.

As for this site, it is built in WordPress with a custom theme that I started from scratch. I created the portfolio project pages using posts, found a bunch of really helpful plug-ins, and learned a lot of WordPress techniques in the process. My client portal and my personal task management tool are created using PHP and SQL with databases. I’ll add a video of said pages once they are done.

Previous Designs

Here’s my first portfolio site I coded. This was started early spring semester of my sophomore year at Kutztown, shortly after my first coding class. It’s not great, but it’s impressive for my limited knowledge I had then! I learned how to get contact form submissions to insert into Google Sheets with this site, and it’s when I started hosting with Bluehost (still hosted by them because of how perfect their plans are for me!). I gotta say, I do still enjoy these colors very much.

I actually just found that I still have all the code backed up for this version, so I’ll add that soon and link it here for the nostalgia and so that you can see how far I’ve come. It was coded purely with HTML and CSS.

My second design did not last long since I was learning so much about design and coding at the time. This version was started a year after the first one and utilized PHP and SQL within my admin pages to manage my projects and the images for the projects. I am equally as impressed with myself for this site, though again, it’s sorely lacking. I don’t have a screenshot of the site live, but here’s the designs I had in Illustrator.

As for the logo, I had had it for a few years, right up until I created my current logo in January of 2023.

Business cards that went with these designs.